Automated daily processes
Smooth handovers, check-outs and check-ins with our mobile application and digital signing of contracts are just a few examples of operational efficiency that's embedded in FleetMaster. You have immediate access to all data across the platform to get your work done quickly.

Planning board
The visual planning board shows your planning in a clear manner and supports easy drag-and-drop functionality. It allows you to group by asset type, category or location. There are easy options to help you find what you're looking for. On top of that, you can plan any activity up to the minute and for as long as needed for different activity types.

Paperless workflows
You can have fuss-free and paperless flow thanks to the retrieval of external data from telematics or other software systems. Design your own documents and mails to automate communication with customers, drivers and suppliers. Last but not least, you can integrate your operational flow, such as preparation of the vehicle or transportation.